Subsequently, Enterprise participated in Juniper Hawk with Israeli forces, her aircrews matching their skills against Israeli F-15 Eagles and F-16 Fighting Falcons (12–19 July 2001); this exercise also included basing a detachment ashore at Nevatim, Israel. After a short visit to Ródhos, Enterprise transited the Suez Canal, with a pair of HH-60Hs standing “immediate action alerts,” crossing the Red Sea and into the Indian Ocean. During the evening of 2 August, she transited the Strait of Hormuz, entering the Arabian Gulf and subsequently relieving Constellation for Operation Southern Watch. Following her high speed transit to the Arabian Gulf, Enterprise participated in Operation Southern Watch, mooring at Jebel Ali, 4–9 December 1998. While there she hosted a reception for former President George H.W. Bush and “numerous dignitaries” in the hangar bay that Saturday, the 5th. Mooring at Jebel Ali, U.A.E. (4–8 November 1996) proved not as rewarding for many crewmembers as other ports had been, in that though her Beach Detachment had made every effort to transform the shore compound into “a social area,” the crew found themselves restricted to the base complex.
She then completed ComptuEx 86-1, 1–10 October, a multi-threat scenario utilizing the BFD, and including separate CIWS and NATO Sea Sparrow shoots. Enterprise returned to sea for CVW-11’s carrier qualifications, with VS-21 replacing VS-37, 7–13 October 1983, logging 1,429 arrested landings, 863 day/566 night, qualifying 113 pilots. She returned to San Francisco in time to participate in Fleet Week, joining the procession of ships beneath the Golden Gate Bridge and into the bay, including Kitty Hawk, Merrill (DD-976), Chandler (DDG-996), O’Brien (DD-975), Mars, Wabash (AOR-5), Mauna Kea (AE-22), Berkeley (DDG-15), Duncan (FFG-10) and Lewis B. Puller (FFG-23).
The ship’s single operational loss of the deployment occurred during this second line period, a VA-215 A-7B, near Chu Lai, South Vietnam, on 1 June. Enterprise aircraft flew 130 combat/combat support sorties on 24 June 1968, “to impede the flow of war material and men to the south.” Intruders “seeded” the Song Ca water interdiction point, Trai Trang and Nui Ngoc choke points, Vinh transshipment point and the Linh Cam highway ferry. A-6s blasted the Vinh Railroad and Highway Bridges, the Thanh Dam highway ferry, and “waterborne traffic” on Waterways 9 and 11, as well, claiming damage to as many as 33 vessels. Using the truce as a ruse, the Communists launched approximately 85,000 North Vietnamese Army and VC troops in attacks throughout South Vietnam on the 30th.
On 1 July 1975, the aircraft carrier designation CVA was replaced with CV for all such ships still so designated, including Enterprise. This redesignation was made to improve the accuracy of ship designations reflecting their roles in modern warfare. By removing the letter A, describing attack, the new designation of CV could indicate a multi-role ship capable of air, surface and ASW roles, depending upon the types of aircraft embarked and missions assigned. On board Enterprise Enterprise Back office this was principally accomplished by the introduction of a “true” ASW capability, including the acquisition and testing of an ASW tactical support center , allowing her to process sensor information obtained from S-3As. Additional system installations during this period added the SLQ-17 ECM deception repeater, and a new NTDS program, enabling TSC/CIC interfacing. Arriving off Mauritius on the afternoon of 11 February 1975, Enterprise dropped anchor at Port Louis the next day.
Command Crew
“Combat support operations” concluded on 16 June 1969, Enterprise coming about for Philippine waters. During this WestPac deployment, the ship launched 1,699 strike sorties, and her aircraft dropped 4,351 tons of ordnance, a daily average of 84 and 131.8, respectively. Ordnance delivered included 14,437 high explosive bombs, 327 cluster bombs and five air-to-ground missiles.
Enterprise rendezvoused with Long Beach and Bainbridge on 13 May, forming Nuclear TF 1 (Rear Admiral Bernard M. Strean), the world’s first nuclear-powered task force. Also the only NTDS-equipped and nuclear-powered ships in service, they began a unique series of evaluations and tests to determine the efficiency of their systems working together, through 22 July. Chopping to Com6thFlt on 19 February, she entered the Med on the 22nd, reaching Golfo di Palma, Sardinia, and turning over with Independence. Almost immediately the “Big E” became involved in exercises with Com6thFlt, while assigned to TF 60. During Early Bird, 24–26 February, Enterprise furnished CAP and strike aircraft both to protect and to oppose the transit of a NATO convoy in a major exercise. Early Bird began with a Fleet Conference in Soudha Bay on the 24th, attended by participating ships, including Enterprise, which anchored out in the bay.
Operation Endsweep was one of the resulting U.S. concessions, designed to clear North Vietnamese waters of mines, beginning with the activation of TF 78, on 27 January 1973. During December 1971, Laser Guided Bombs were introduced to Enterprise, Constellation and Coral Sea (CVA-43). Some 16 trial LGB drops were made against communist roads, subsequently also targeting AAA sites. During 1972, LGBs would more than prove their worth by “working as advertised in a most effective manner” against “heretofore seemingly indestructible targets,” such as heavy steel bridge structures built into solid rock.

Enterprise stood out for the South China Sea four days later for storm evasion, returning on the 12th, for a brief stop for loading, before getting underway for her return to the U.S. This movement portended more than mere observation, as the cruiser continuously jockeyed for the most advantageous position from which to attack Enterprise in the event of hostilities. Less than a week later, on 14 February 1977, two Soviet Ilyushin Il-38 Mays, flying from Somalia, reconnoitered Enterprise and her consorts as they steamed east of Socotra Island, Gulf of Aden. Over a period of four hours, the Mays made three separate passes overhead, being intercepted by Tomcats. Attended by Vice Admiral Baldwin, she held a change of command ceremony on 10 December, during which Captain Smith was also promoted to rear admiral. That afternoon , a VA-27 Corsair II pilot spotted 15 Taiwanese fishermen stranded on a small island, where they had been for four days in the wake of their boat being holed by a coral reef.
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A pair of A-6Es from VA-95 flying surface CAP for Joseph Strauss spotted Sahand but were almost immediately attacked by the Iranians. After avoiding SAMs launched from the ship, the Intruder crews responded with two Harpoons, two WE-IIs, four AGM-123s, three Mk 82 LGBs, 18 Mk 20s and 18 Mk 83s. Joseph Strauss finished Sahand off with another Harpoon, the fires burning furiously on her decks eventually reaching her magazines and touching off explosions leading to her sinking. The wing’s aircrews, meanwhile, kept busy, and on the 30th intercepted a pair of Russian aircraft en route to their delivery to the Indians, a May and a Bear F. Meanwhile, an entourage led by Ambassador Montgomery visited the ship, an aerial demonstration being performed. Enterprise stood out of Mombasa on 18 March 1988, and headed for Somalia, over which her aircraft flew low-level flights, from the 20th–22nd. In addition, Lieutenant Commander Laughler, VA-22, made the ship’s 4,000th landing of the cruise.
- Maintenance Capital Expenditure means cash expenditures by a Group Member made to maintain, over the long term, the operating capacity or operating income of the Partnership Group.
- On the day after Christmas of 1966, Archbishop Francis C. Spellman of New York, Vicar of the Armed Forces, held mass for nearly 2,000 men gathered in the hanger bay.
- Cruising along the Filipino coast for three days (18-20 May), she rode out the typhoon before anchoring in Manila Bay, 20–21 May.
- The ship also assumed duties as the SAR Coordination Center while at sea, as such assisting in a joint USCG and Navy night rescue of the crew of sailing vessel Knight Sound, foundering approximately 100 miles off of the North Carolina coast.
- Narrowly escaping Gloria, the ship headed south just as the typhoon passed on a northerly course, coming back in, 8–10 November.
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The deactivation of the Enterprise will result in a one-time increase of approximately $857.3 million in depot maintenance costs for the U.S. New Year’s Day 2003 found Enterprise moored at Berth 42/43, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, completing EDSRA, with dock trials accomplished in January. During EDSRA, VS-32 challenged V-3 Division to redesign the Maulers’ Ready Room, culminating in a new Operations Center and Internet Café. Two CIWS systems, four NATO Sea Sparrow directors and two missile launchers were all overhauled. Prior to coming about from the Arabian Sea, Enterprise unloaded most of her remaining ordnance to her relief, Theodore Roosevelt, on 25 October 2001. At 2348 on the 24th, heading into the mid watch on the 25th, SOPA was ComCarGru-3, embarked on board Enterprise.
After a brief visit to Ulithi, Enterprise joined TG 58.5 on 10 February 1945, and provided day and night combat air patrol for TF 58 as it struck Tokyo on 16–17 February. Back at Pearl Harbor on 6 November, Enterprise left four days later to provide close air support to the 27th Infantry Division landing on Makin Atoll, during the Battle of Makin, from 19–21 November 1943. On the night of 26 November, Enterprise introduced carrier-based night fighters to the Pacific when a three-plane team from the ship broke up a large group of land-based bombers attacking TG 50.2.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Midway relieved the “Big E” on the latter’s 12th day on the line, so that she could return to Cubi Point for four days, where she remained on 12-hour standby status. While in port, Enterprise hosted CVW-21 from Hancock, enabling “Hannah” to serve as a helicopter platform for the evacuations. As an example of displacement experienced by Enterprise, three VF-2 Tomcats and crews remained at Cubi Point when she got underway again.

During this period, coordinated “major strikes” hit the Thanh Hoa Railroad Yard/Siding, Dong Phong Thong Railroad Yard, and both the Hon Gai and Bac Giang Thermal Power Plants. Enterprise stood out from Subic on 26 January 1967, anchoring off Manila for a brief visit (27–30 January, before steaming for Vietnamese waters. Departing Manila on 30 January, she conducted an AAW exercise with British carrier HMS Victorious. On the day after Christmas of 1966, Archbishop Francis C. Spellman of New York, Vicar of the Armed Forces, held mass for nearly 2,000 men gathered in the hanger bay. In addition to the two day stand-down during the New Year’s ceasefire, operations over North Vietnam were “further curtailed by the dominant northeast monsoon weather pattern,” 29 December 1966–3 January 1967. During 10 days of “minor touching up” at San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard, Hunters Point, CVW-9, comprising VA-35 (A-6As), VA-56 and VA-113 (A-4Cs), VF-92 and VF-96 (F-4Bs), RVAH-7 (RA-5Cs), VAW-13 Det 65 (EA-1Fs), VAH-2 Det M (A-3Bs) and HC-1 Det 65 (UH-2A/Bs), reported on board. Also on board at various times were VQ-1 (EA-3Bs) and Heavy Photographic Squadron -61 (RA-3Bs).
The ship also concluded “numerous” ASW exercises with SH-60Fs from HS-15 and attack submarines Albany (SSN-753) and Baltimore (SSN-704). Distinguished visitors to the “Big E” during 1994 included CNO and several cast members of the Star Trek and Babylon Five television shows. Enterprise conducted her second Earnest Will support mission from the Gulf of Oman, including CAP, SUCAP and ASW, on 26 March 1988; and was shadowed by an Iranian P-3F. She subsequently anchored near al Masirah Island for a brief standdown, holding “flight deck Olympics,” including a tractor-driving contest, from the 27th–28th.
“Flying through heavy fire,” Intruders and Skyhawks from Enterprise “blasted” Kep Airfield, a “prime” facility 37 miles northeast of Hanoi, with 500 lb bombs, the following morning. The pilots reported three MiG-17 Frescos “on the ground burning, one heavily damaged,” and multiple hits on the taxiway, together with “heavy damage” to a revetted area and an AAA site. The same day, the “Big E’s” aircrews also struck a vehicle complex at Van Dien, five miles south of Hanoi, with 500 lb bombs, and her F-4s damaged a nearby AAA site. Enterprise A-4, A-6 and F-4 aircrews “teamed up” for a combined strike against the Da Chong Storage Area with 500 lb bombs, on 23 May. The men destroyed three large storage buildings, setting off “numerous” secondary explosions.

Coral Sea relieved Enterprise and Constellation on Yankee Station on that date, ensuring that the tempo of strikes continued through December, 2,462 ordnance-bearing strike sorties being flown by all three carriers through the end of the month. Following the visit to Singapore, 14–20 September 1971, Enterprise and her consort transited the Malacca Strait and entered the Indian Ocean, forming TG 77.5. During the following month, dual-carrier operations off of Vietnam were conducted only during the first week; and as of 16 August 1971, Enterprise filled in the remainder of the month as the sole carrier on station. The strike mix was almost completely reversed from the previous month as a result; with a total of eight two-carrier days and 23 single-carrier days producing 1,915 strike sorties. During the overhaul, an Improved Rearming Rate Program was initiated on board; a “total systems approach” for faster weapons handling and loading, including strikedown/strikeup rates, together with enlarged elevators and power operated doors and ready service magazines.
Although “prevailing seasonal poor flying weather” impeded operations during the week of 15–21 February 1967,” Enterprise’s aircraft utilized radar bombing and attacked targets “of opportunity” across North Vietnam. Rear Admiral Weisner was relieved by Rear Admiral Roger W. Mehle as ComCarDiv-1, on the 18th. During 4–5 February, aircraft from Enterprise and Ticonderoga hit the Thanh Hao trans-shipment complex, forcing the communists to begin a massive reconstruction of facilities there. Coming about for NAS Cubi Point on 15 May 1966, Enterprise had barely arrived before Typhoon Irma compelled her exit. Cruising along the Filipino coast for three days (18-20 May), she rode out the typhoon before anchoring in Manila Bay, 20–21 May. The next day, Enterprise stopped in Subic Bay to pick up almost 300 crewmembers stranded by Irma before returning to Yankee Station to resume strikes against the enemy, 22 May–5 June.
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A second accommodation ladder was installed on the fantail to expedite the offload of liberty parties. Upon entering the Arabian Gulf, Enterprise integrated into the 5th Fleet, providing “real-time targeting coordination and traffic deconfliction in support of all warfare commanders.” In addition, all “non-organic assets” within the vicinity of the Enterprise CVBG were identified and monitored. Vice Admiral Fargo, Com5thFlt, came on board the ship on the 5th as she participated for the first time in Operation Southern Watch , since she had been in overhaul during the first several years of the operation. Clearing Haifa, Enterprise came about for a visit to Ródhos, 30 August–4 September 1996, then steamed into the Adriatic to again support the “No-Fly Zone” over Bosnia-Herzegovina.
What A Card: I Ss Enterprise
The urgency proved such that the carrier got underway with only part of the wing embarked, some aircraft flying on board as she “turned the corner” off Cape Henry. Leaving Boston, the ship participated with Forrestal (CVA-59) in LantFlex 2-62, a nuclear strike exercise, under the command of Rear Admiral Reynold D. Hogle, (ComCarDiv-4), Commander, TF 24, 6–12 July. Enterprise launched eight “pre-planned” strikes and six call strikes while operating off the Virginia capes, against targets ranging from the Tidewater area to central Florida.
From 16 April–1 May, CVW-3 onloaded for work-ups, V-3 Division experiencing “packed bay operations” with extensive maintenance requirements, the ship achieving “skin-to-skin kills” of a pair of BQM-7E targets with a dual RIM-7P launch on the 27th. Enterprise again stood out to sea for two days of steaming alongside a carrier onloading ammunition, this time with George Washington (4–6 May). Enterprise put into Mayport, during which time 6,500 visitors trod her decks (2–6 October 1997). She then continued south to participate in Broward County Navy Days, entering Port Everglades (6-12 October).
Enterprise next operated in MedLandEx IV, providing CAS and AAW protection for an amphibious landing exercise, this time off southern Sardinia, 11–14 August. Upon completion of MedLandEx IV, she sailed westward, calling upon Barcelona, Spain, 15–22 August. After a week in Barcelona, Enterprise stood out and rendezvoused with cruiser Long Beach (CG-9) in the western Med, on the 23rd, the first meeting of the two ships. Enterprise returned to Cannes, 11–20 May, where Rear Admiral William I. Martin relieved Rear Admiral Hayward as ComCarDiv-2, breaking his flag on board, on 17 May. The ship stood out again for steaming in the eastern Med, including ORI, from the 19th–26th. Inchopping into the fleet’s AOR as she “swept past” Gibraltar on the 16th, Enterprise conducted additional training before relieving Forrestal on station at Pollensa Bay, Mallorca, Balearic Islands.
While en route to the Philippines, Enterprise’s CDC tracked “numerous” Bears, the Russians flying daily sorties from Cam Ranh Bay. Enterprise rounded the northern tip of Luzon, mooring at Cubi Point on 17 February 1986, remaining there until the 24th. After refresher training, Enterprise enjoyed a brief break to celebrate Thanksgiving; subsequently, an Underway Material Inspection, 12–14 December 1983, proved to be the last significant at sea event for the ship before the New Year. On board for Enterprise’s return to Alameda was actor George Takei, who had portrayed Lieutenant Commander Sulu, the “helmsman” of the “starship Enterprise” in the television and film series Star Trek.
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At 1050 on 8 May 1968, Champion 406, an A-4E , Lieutenant Dennis A. Lawrence, VA-56, launched from Enterprise as part of a flight of four Skyhawks on an armed reconnaissance mission against North Vietnamese communications targets, including Highway 151B, a storage area and a truck park. Arriving over the highway at 1102, the four A-4Es began their attacks from dive angles averaging 45º, at release altitudes of 5.5 miles, cutting the road with four MK 82s and eight MK 83s. Continuing on to the storage area, which received addition attention from the Skyhawks in the form of four MK 82s, they then blasted the truck park with no less than 152 LAU 60 rockets. It “was apparent” that he would not make it to the sea, so he ejected at about 1215, watching his Skyhawk spin and burn as he descended toward the enemy-infested jungle. After his descent, he ran almost a mile to the top of a hill before being picked up by an SH-3A from carrier Yorktown (CVS-10) after about 32 minutes.
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The origin of the jarring was “mysterious and later evaluated to be of seismic origin,” an aftershock resulting from a magnitude 8.00 earthquake that struck at 1631 on the 12th, at 24º20’N, 122º60”E. Strikes were run on the Bai Thuong Barracks near Thanh Hoa, and a storage area near Vinh, on 20 February 1966. Three days later, Enterprise and Kitty Hawk sent 108 sorties against enemy troop concentration, storage and supply areas south of the Demilitarized Zone . Flight operations while on Yankee Station normally consisted of 12 hours out of every 24, an exhausting schedule for the men, many of whom also had to stand watches and attend to other duties.
Lieutenant Commander Robert W. Miles, pilot, and Lieutenant Kenton W. Van Lue, bombardier/navigator, VA-35, both later received the Distinguished Flying Cross for their part in this strike, with a “large secondary explosion” being observed by other aircraft in the area. Steaming to Hawaii in five days, Enterprise encountered seas and winds that “were quite high at first,” though calmer weather prevailed as she neared Hawaiian waters, postponing her continued westward sailing to give the crew a brief respite by visiting Pearl Harbor, on 23 November 1966. On the 11th, Enterprise moved up to Yankee Station, beginning armed reconnaissance and interdiction attacks against VC supply lines in the north two days later.